Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Smoke 'em if you got 'em

Britney Spears Sex Tape….sweet! Did you know that there is a sex tape of Pamela Anderson and I somewhere on the web? Well actually it's a tape of me watching the Pamela Anderson sex tape...

Today’s blog is dedicated to those who I personally know and all the others I know about from unreliable sources. It’s been a few days and I have a few things on my mind. I am going to post them in no particular order.

To the bitch that never called me back! The hell with you, go write a ticket for jaywalking.

I have yet to hear from the Coca-cola company. I’m sure their lawyers are all huddled in a room somewhere discussing how to deal with my case. Just give me a damn microwave!

My mother is not getting breast implants…I think.

I’m still fat!
I’m still balding!
I still work at Wal-Mart, but I’m thinking about quitting and actually going back to school.

I haven’t done much these last few days other than eat jerky, sit on my couch and read….ok the reading part is a lie!

I'm angy because I'm so lazy, I'm so lazy because I'm angry. I'm thinking about joing a health club.

This is the coolest thing I have ever seen. Follow this link and you’re your name in the box. It translates your name in Russian and creates a song about you. It’s pretty crazy
how accurate it works.

I vow to write a better blog tomorrow.

Peace Out (whatever the hell that means)


Blogger Annelisa said...

I haven't seen the Pamela Anderson sex tape, but I saw one of you watching it the other day... How did you get to be that fat, and that bald? (and what was that big black mark above the microwave in the background?)

Glad your mother is resisting the attempt of society to change her image to suit itself.

(Ehm... I thought you'd already 'forgotten' the one that never called you back?)

Rooting for you in your Cola wars :-)

8:13 AM  

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